Application for investors and stock gamblers
Business purpose
Our customer represented a big media group specializing in creation of journals, radio programs and articles on various topics related to business, politics, exchanges and stock trading. They had developed a mobile application that allowed the user to monitor current state of stock markets and activities happening there in real time, read financial news and expert reviews, as well as create and manage virtual multiple assets. The aim of the project was to enhance the existing functionality and perform some bug fixing.
IT staffing
After the deep audit of the application code, it was decided to rewrite the application from scratch as the major part of the existing code was of poor quality and required a significant modification and refactoring in order to implement new features.
The users can choose products directly from the catalogue or ask an expert for advice, describing their needs and budget. The expert composes a list of suggestions from the catalogue, precising the request in direct chat messages if needed. If the user likes the suggestions and purchases something from the list, the expert gets a commission that he can later spend buying something from the catalogue himself. The user can also rate products, experts and receive advice.
First, the team worked on the application for Android and iOS smartphones, then an adaptation for tablets was foreseen. Some of the implemented functionality included payment integration, creation of notifications, addition of new widgets as well as a Wizard, etc. Also, there was a completely separate block of tasks that included bug fixing and solving the issues found by users.
The third stage of the development process was devoted to iOS application integration with the iWatch; as a part of this phase, some special application screens were created that allowed the user both to display all changes on selected stocks and markets and to monitor their personal virtual multiple assets, all on their smart watch.
iOS 8.1+
WatchOS 1 / 2
Android 5.x+
Project size