Web application for artistic swimming

Business purpose

The customer, a French sports organization, aimed to develop a web application for participants of artistic swimming competitions, as well as trainers, referees, moderators, sports clubs’ representatives, etc.

IT staffing

The customer decided to make the application in .exe format that could be easily installed on Windows, Mac and Linux. It was supposed to work on tablets both on- and offline, synchronize the information from the existing website, and display up-to-date scores and other competition data.

The Noveo team started with the elaboration phase, creating specifications and prototypes based on the customer’s requirements. After that, the team proceeded to develop the application, with functionality that could be divided into 3 parts: pre-, during, and after-competition.

The pre-competition section contained a database of swimmers and a list of contests; the competition part included scores, times, accuracy percentage, etc.; as for the after-competition, that module was focused on remarks and evaluations provided by referees and judges, and also allowed moderators to update system information.


  • PHP 7
  • Laravel
  • Apache
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • jQuery

Project size

  • man-days
  • team